Drama Llama Society Forfeits Privacy for Attention
One thing of note is that our society has become a herd of drama llamas. With social media, it is almost as if people these days have social media terrets. They just suddenly spray something into social media and sit back and enjoy the drama. Most prevalent is victim posts. Just shoot out to internet ether that you have been wronged in some way and BAM!!! Instant support group -- you can drag the entire world wide web up in your business. Funny really from people that constantly complain about invasion of privacy and big brother watching. And yet they willingly *bell the cat* by carrying a cellphone everywhere they go including to the toilet and to bed. You couldn't ask for a better micro-chipping program than that -- seriously, you couldn't. It doesn't require implants in the body and everybody jumps out there and gets one and has them as a constant companion. And even better, they constantly comment and *check in* so you know exactly where they are all the time. The o...