
Showing posts from March, 2015

Drama Llama Society Forfeits Privacy for Attention

One thing of note is that our society has become a herd of drama llamas. With social media, it is almost as if people these days have social media terrets.  They just suddenly spray something into social media and sit back and enjoy the drama. Most prevalent is victim posts. Just shoot out to internet ether that you have been wronged in some way and BAM!!! Instant support group -- you can drag the entire world wide web up in your business. Funny really from people that constantly complain about invasion of privacy and big brother watching. And yet they willingly *bell the cat* by carrying a cellphone everywhere they go including to the toilet and to bed. You couldn't ask for a better micro-chipping program than that -- seriously, you couldn't. It doesn't require implants in the body and everybody jumps out there and gets one and has them  as a constant companion. And even better, they constantly comment and *check in* so you know exactly where they are all the time. The o...

Guns Killing Kids

No, this isn't an anti-gun rant. However, the current outrage is over *dead kids* and *how many kids must die before we get guns under control*.  My questions are .... how many kids must die before we stop giving them back to abusive parents? How many kids must die before we get kids to stop beating, stabbing and shooting each other to death? How many kids must die before drugs are removed from the streets? How many kids must die before kids stop doing stupid impulsive things? What do all those scenarios have in common? Kids. And what do kids need? Guidance and supervision. Kids die because of lack of proper guidance and supervision. Getting rid of guns won't change that.

Hissing in the Wind

Bitching about politics (for surely that is the rightful way to phrase it since people rarely praise politics these days) is like hissing in the wind. Admittedly I cleaned the phrase up a bit.  I have always felt that if the best one could do was merely bitch about something with no effort to make changes then they best just shut the hell up because the world is full of bullshit noise as it is. If you can't change something then why waste energy focusing on it -- why not shift gears and move on to something that you can actually do something about? At least that way, something in the world would really get done instead of every one sitting around holding arm chair bitch-fest and making themselves and everyone around them shit miserable. There is already enough shit and misery in the world, thank you. I have to say though, that holding it all in is a bit like pumping hot air into a balloon -- eventually you either lift off or explode. So, I created this blog to dump all my hissing...

Media Machinations - Tricks of Creating Truth

The Media is a powerful tool that can send the public into tears or a riotous frenzy and people rarely question its validity. After all, if it is print or in the news, it must be true.... NOT. People write the news and create the news clips and people have agendas. Those agendas definitely cloud the presentation of facts -- when there are facts. In worst case scenarios, you have a soulless journalist so hard pressed to catch the next big headline that they invent stuff. And then you have the scenarios where you are left wondering if what you're reading or watching is purely agenda driven. If you have ever watched the movies "Wag the Dog" or "Arlington Road" you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. The sad fact of the matter is, media has done such a number on the public over the years that there are growing numbers that believe nothing and question everything -- conspiracy theorists run rampant. Who knows, perhaps in many instances they may be well fo...

Oklahoma wants Marital Bliss for the Religious Only

For me religion is one of those *to each his own* areas. Far be it for me to tell another person what their religious path should be. And yet, in Oklahoma there are those that would do exactly that... dictate who is religiously fit to be married. Seriously? Oklahoma legislators find it such a pressing need to try to snatch marriage away from the state and give it over to churches and require the *approval* of clergy? And this all because Republican State Representative Todd Russ says he wants to protect court clerks from having to issue licenses to same-sex couples. These same Christian zealots get their knickers in knots when immigrants want to invoke Sharia law because of their religion and yet, they want to impose Christian laws onto the populace. Hypocrisy rules the day. In the 200+ years our nation has existed it seems to get further and further away from the ideals on which it was founded.  I can't help but fear that one day in the not too distant future our country will fai...