Hissing in the Wind

Bitching about politics (for surely that is the rightful way to phrase it since people rarely praise politics these days) is like hissing in the wind. Admittedly I cleaned the phrase up a bit.  I have always felt that if the best one could do was merely bitch about something with no effort to make changes then they best just shut the hell up because the world is full of bullshit noise as it is. If you can't change something then why waste energy focusing on it -- why not shift gears and move on to something that you can actually do something about? At least that way, something in the world would really get done instead of every one sitting around holding arm chair bitch-fest and making themselves and everyone around them shit miserable. There is already enough shit and misery in the world, thank you.

I have to say though, that holding it all in is a bit like pumping hot air into a balloon -- eventually you either lift off or explode. So, I created this blog to dump all my hissing, spitting, rants and complaints in hopes that from it all will spew forth something that can be knitted together as solutions to the madness around us. But then perhaps I am the mad one suffering from delusions of grandeur. If so, then I will surely make them the best damn delusions of all time.


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