Oklahoma wants Marital Bliss for the Religious Only
For me religion is one of those *to each his own* areas. Far be it for me to tell another person what their religious path should be. And yet, in Oklahoma there are those that would do exactly that... dictate who is religiously fit to be married. Seriously? Oklahoma legislators find it such a pressing need to try to snatch marriage away from the state and give it over to churches and require the
*approval* of clergy? And this all because Republican State Representative Todd Russ says he wants to protect court clerks from having to issue licenses to same-sex couples. These same Christian zealots get their knickers in knots when immigrants want to invoke Sharia law because of their religion and yet, they want to impose Christian laws onto the populace. Hypocrisy rules the day. In the 200+ years our nation has existed it seems to get further and further away from the ideals on which it was founded. I can't help but fear that one day in the not too distant future our country will fail.
Here's a link to HB1125 for those who have the stomach to read it. Oddly enough, pressure has caused revisions that make it unclear what its real purpose is since it started out trying to make marriage solely done by clergy but has now added Judges back in. Here's an article that shows the idiocy of this bill and its fluctuations.
A parting question.... where is the big wedding for Adam and Eve in Genesis? Just sayin....
*approval* of clergy? And this all because Republican State Representative Todd Russ says he wants to protect court clerks from having to issue licenses to same-sex couples. These same Christian zealots get their knickers in knots when immigrants want to invoke Sharia law because of their religion and yet, they want to impose Christian laws onto the populace. Hypocrisy rules the day. In the 200+ years our nation has existed it seems to get further and further away from the ideals on which it was founded. I can't help but fear that one day in the not too distant future our country will fail.
A parting question.... where is the big wedding for Adam and Eve in Genesis? Just sayin....
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